Expansive Platform
AMD EPYC 9005 utilizes 12-channel DDR5 memory, PCIe 5.0 and supports CXL 2.0 devices for memory expansion. EPYC 9005 is built to support your workload big or small.
Core Density Leadership
AMD EPYC 9005 features up to 192 cores and 384 threads, enabling data center consolidation to free up rack space and reduce cost while increasing performance throughput.
Performance per watt
EPYC 9005 Zen 5 cores are more powerful and more energy efficient than ever before, and Zen 5c Cores enable peak core density to power dense HPC workloads and cloud-native tasks.
Exxact Server Platforms featuring EPYC 9005
10x GPU AMD EPYC 9005 4U GPUServer
Exceeding Performance Expectations
Built on the same socket, AMD innovates EPYC 9005 and its Zen 5 architecture to deliver impressive gen-over-gen performance uplift, enabling users to accelerate their workloads faster. Upgrade existing EPYC 9004 powered servers with up to 2x performance speedup!
- Comparing overall top-of-stack processors, EPYC 9965 (192 cores Zen 5c) is over 2.3x faster than EPYC 9654 (96 cores Zen 4) in end-to-end AI utilizing Zen 5c cores for greater density.
- Comparing standard Zen 4 and Zen 5 top-of-stack processors, EPYC 9755 (128 cores Zen 5) averages 1.6x speedup versus EPYC 9654 (96 cores Zen 4) in molecular dynamics workloads.
- Comparing Zen 5c and Zen 4 on equivalent core counts, EPYC 9575F (64 cores Zen 5c) averages a 1.3x speedup versus EPYC 9554 (64 cores Zen 4) in computational fluid dynamics simulation workloads